So you have finally decided to go for an AC unit installation for your bedroom. Though making this decision was tough, it’s even more difficult choosing the right AC unit as there are so many types of air conditioner systems to choose from.

  • Window type air conditioners are meant for cooling single rooms. Here, all the AC components like condenser, cooling coil, compressor, evaporator and expansion coils are in a single box. It’s installation comprises of fitting the unit on a wall slot or onto a window sill.
  • As it’s not economical or suggested to place a single unit in all rooms of a building, installing central air conditioning is a better choice. Central air conditioning consist of a large compressor with tons of air conditioning capacity, just right for use in malls and very large houses.
  • Split air conditioning systems consist of two units. The outdoor compressor unit which cools air and handles condensation and the indoor blower unit which distributes air through the house with the help of a fan and ducts. Air returns to the unit through an intake vent and all pipes between the two units carry refrigerant. Split air conditioning units are easier to install than traditional units as there’s no need to cut into walls. Though these air conditioners are a bit expensive an investment, they work more efficiently than window air conditioners.

No matter which air conditioning unit you choose, it’s important that the AC unit installation is carried out professionally. Not calling professionals to install your air conditioning unit only to save money ends up with your eventually spending more money. Call us at 928-322-9548 if you need help for repair, AC unit installation or if you just need a FREE quote on a new system.


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